Do you think that these are the best solutions for your proplem?


Method Label 
1 - Find a label that is the shape of the tattoo you want tattoo tan. So common tattoo stickers can include a heart, star, cross, a pair of lips, or something that is clear enough to allow a recognizable form.
           -You can also cut any tag in a more complex design or pattern.
2 - Clean and dry where you will put the label tattoo tan.
3 - Put the sticker on the skin can you tan with a tattoo.
4 Leave for as long as possible when you are in the sun or in a tanning bed tattoo tan. A safer alternative is to use self-tanner instead. Simply apply the glue, making sure to cover any skin that is not obscured by the label.
5 - Remove the tape tattoo tan, revealing lighter under the skin can you tan with a tattoo.
Method sunscreen
1 - Before going into the sun or a tanning bed, apply sunscreen on the skin with a particular model.
           -You can use a template and sunscreen "painting" through the openings therein.
           -You can paint the design directly onto the skin with your finger or a brush, but a new application accurately can be difficult.
2 - Leave the area undisturbed. If sunscreen is stained, it will ruin your tattoo. 3 - Re-apply as often and as accurately as possible tattoo tan can you tan with a tattoo.
Film negative method
1 - Cut a film in black and white down to a photograph or two that you like.
2 - negative strip the skin film with adhesive tape.
3-What UV rays penetrate through the refusal tattoo tan. To achieve this, be imprinted on your skin picture.

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