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If you want a tattoo design that breathes fire, while representing mystical strength and benevolence, the ancient dragon tattoo is ideal for you. Dragons have captured the minds and hearts of people for centuries and continue to be, if the current popularity of dragon tattoos are an indicator of the fascination continues tattoo fly.

Myths and legends around this flying creature can be found in many fairy tales and folklore are part of the oldest cultures. In general, it is believed that dragons belonging to Asia, but they are part of the beliefs and mythology of cultures around the world tattoo fly.

Dragons in Eastern cultures are associated with good luck, kindness, fertility and are considered protectors of the people who steal. The Western dragon is not so benevolent and is most often described as an evil destroyer of villages and guard chests snort fire treasure hidden in deep caves on top of a mountain.

A more spiritual legends about dragons and their powers come from the beliefs and superstitions of ancient Celtic chiefs of Ireland. In their beliefs, dragons were symbols of power in the hands of the decision Celtic tribe. The title, "Pendragon" is the Celtic word for "leader tattoo fly."

Although the Celts were one of the fiercest groups populating Europe in ancient times, were spiritually in their relationship with the land around them. That spirituality moved to Celtic dragons are believed to influence land and sites identified as dens vintage dragon who have special powers tattoo fly.

The ancient druids, priests of ancient Celtic societies tattoo fly, thought the Earth resembled the body of a dragon, and that dragons were our spiritual connection with the magnetism of the Earth and healing waters. Some historians say they built their sacred stone circles where they believed the power nodes tattoo fly were the dragon's body tattoo fly.

The word "dragon" derives from the Greek word that is translated "see clearly", which indicates the benevolent nature the Celts believed that dragons have the gift of vision, wisdom and the ability tattoo fly to prophesy tattoo fly.

If you decide to decorate your body with a dragon tattoo, and his ancestry is Irish, from ancient Celtic tribes, which would further myths that have survived thousands of years of wonder and magic dragons . If you select tattoo fly the circular Celtic dragon biting its tail, your tattoo symbolizes eternal life.

Tattoo artists from around the world are famous tattoo fly for beautiful dragon tattoos of all sizes and colors. Whether you choose a dragon tattoo is one of the creatures of fire caste villagers sniff of fear or one that protected the land and promised eternal life, body art is sure to be admired by all who see it tattoo flya.