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Russian Mafia Tattoos , What They Mean ?

Tattoos mafia are a unique symbolic language that is designed to encode information about the person who is. Their meanings are not disclosed to the uninitiated and are impossible to decode unless known at first hand. This language is highly socialized, and uses symbols and words that initially have no criminal association or common sense: animals, churches, angels, etc. Traditional criminal tattoo set said that the tattoos mafia person who belongs to the first circle of the Mafia, which has a state of the world, and won each tattoo he wears. Put tattoos that can not be earned and do not deserve to be severely punished in the criminal society tattoo mafia.

Criminal tattoo mafia say a lot about the person wearing them: his biography, criminal "occupation", the time spent in prison, social status, sexual preferences, future plans, etc. as criminals are superstitious, sometimes tattoos care make sense. There are also special types of symbols that are tattooed on the strength of a violent and painful punishment. Not only is the symbol has a meaning, but also the place where tattoo. For example, a crown tattooed on his chest means that the power and authority, while the same symbol on the back means humiliation. Every detail is present or absent in the tattoo is also important tattoo mafia.

The images of the most popular tattoo criminals are:

Animals, especially cats: tigers, lions, leopards, too, bears, wolves, wild boars ,tattoo mafia - power and ambition of leadership, a picture of a wild boar on a woman says that the wearer is a lesbian. Cat means the wearer is a thief tattoo mafia.

Birds - the bearer loves freedom.

Eagle - the head of the king, mafia elite. Eagle with a suitcase in the claws - escaped from prison.

Churches - mainly associated with prison. The number of church domes, the length or the number of sections.

Knife - revenge, the victim tattoo mafia. Knife with a snake around it tattoos mafia is usually tattooed elite mafia.

Owl - symbol of pessimism and death tattoo mafia. The owner tattoos mafia believes the imminent death or wanting to die.

Rose - symbol of love, sexuality or religion tattoo mafia. Usually, says the person is Russians mafia tattoo religious or seeks carnal pleasures.

Skull or crown - mafia elite, the person seeking the leadership tattoos mafia.

Spider - junkie.

God - the protection of the law Russian mafia tattoo.

Crucifixion - honesty.

Chamomile - belonging to a gang of thieves tattoo mafia. Each petal signifies gang Russian mafia tattoo member and sometimes has a name written on it.

Girl - a teenager or a criminal child tattoo mafia.

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